Shipping from Guangzhou to Malaysia

shipping sea cargo and air cargo from Guangzhou to Malaysia whole city delivery by door to door handling is our dedicated shipping line among a lot concentration shipping line.
Shipping from Guangzhou to Malaysia concentration shipping line included sea freight, air freight and courier express delivery.

1. The shipping freight is 700 RMB per CBM. all included from our warehouse to consignee door. no any extra cost.
2. The cubic meter countable at least 1 cbm. if less than 1 cbm also count as 1 cbm.
3. Ask shipper write down or stick shipping mark before delivery goods to our warehouse.
4. If need us pick up goods from our warehouse to other logistics station or shipper’s warehouse, or factory…etc. let us know the address, we quote the real pick up cost. and pay first to the driver, then charge back from customer after goods ship out.

5. Provide us details packing list. consignee name, phone number, address.
6. Once goods ship out, customers have to arrange freight to us, can pay to our China account, or pay to Malaysia before delivery goods to consignee. payment method