How to calculate cubic meter (CBM)


We calculate cargo’s cubic mter is very simple, use the rule to measure its single packages’dimension or accumulate together measured. If a shipment has 15 packages, we measure its dimension one by one of lot. And sum its total. Normally 1 cbm ≤ 500kg .

We charge a shipment’s cubic meter or weight whichever bigger. For example

1 cbm cargo its weight is 800 kg, we charge 1.6 cbm.

2 cbm cargo its weight is 800 kg, we charge 2 cbm.

1 cbm cargo its weight is 2000 kg, we charge 4 cbm.

Measure method: 1 package goods its length is 35 cm, width is 50 cm, high is 50 cm, its cubic meter is 0.35 x 0.50 x 0.50 = 0.087 cbm.