Malaysia container shipping from Guangzhou
DJcargo handle Malaysia container shipping from Guangzhou Nansha port directly to Port of Kelang.
We offer cheapest price from China Guangzhou to Malaysia by sea for 40 and 20ft container door to door services Guangzhou DJcargo shipping line operated 10 years’ service transit fast and safe. And the price is cheaper than other forwarder, so many customers
like to send the goods by using our service to Malaysia. We provide almost 30 days free storage to customer for buying goods from different seller, its adequate time to customer to buying all cargos.
So whatever customer buy goods from Taobao or JD or Dangdang online shop. We offer free receive goods, storage, inspection. For small goods we can use our dedicated airline send to consignee in Malaysia.
by courier (door to door) about 2 to 3 days arrive
the first 0.5kg: 45RMB, the second 0.5kg: 18RMB
above 11kg,the price is RMB25/kg
above 21kg:21RMB/KG above 46kg: 23RMB/KG
above 71kg:19RMB/KG above: 100kg: 22RMB/KG
above 101kg :20RMB/KG
2. Bulk cargo sea service (by ship)
1. if the goods is not enough 1CBM (cubic meter),charge the price as 1CBM price
(at least RMB750) ,
if the goods more than 1CBM, charge as actual CBM, like the goods is
1.3CBM, charge 1.3CBM*750RMB=975RMB
2. by sea, that is the door to door service
3. we will offer all the export and import permit document for you, just you
offer the packing list and invoice, send by sea door to door service,
all the goods should be send to our appointed warehouse, if customer need
for picking up service, please contact us.
4.CBM means cubic meter. 1cbm volume=1meter* 1meter*1meter
5. payment method as following methods:
1). pay to our China bank account by western union or by “汉生”,”长诚汇款”and so on ,