China ship to Singapore how to charge freight
International freight normally has two methods to measure the freight cost, the one is by cubic meters( CBM ), another is by weight.
LCL sea freight normally measure by CBM is most cheaper way, some company measure it cost by weight
Air freight normally measure its cost by weight
whatever by weight or by cubic meter, two methods have the limitation on it. every carrier, vessel, ship, boat or aircraft has a space limitation and maximum carrying limitation.
if your goods weight is extremely small and its cubic meter is extraordinary big, how would a carrier charge your freight cost base on weight or cubic meters?
By logistics industry freight charge methods rules, that the LCL freight cost normally charge by cubic meters(CBM)
a. 1 cbm cargo’s weight limitation is lesser and equivalent 500 kg 。1 cbm ≤ 500 kg, some country is 250 kg, or 300 kg.
b. LCL sea freight starter normally less than 1 cbm, 0.1 – 0.9 cbm also charge as 1 cbm.
Air freight normally charge by its weight, and cubic volumetric weight whichever bigger. if a goods actual weight 100 kg, and its cubic meter is 1 cbm or more, the freight cost will charge its volumetric weight.
If sea freight charge by weight, also has actual weight and volumetric weight issue. freight cost would charge actual weight and volumetric weight whichever bigger.
whatever which freight charge method you use, do must confirm your forwarder before arranging cargo shipping.
how to charge freight
国际运输一般用两种方法来计费,货物体积计费,货物重量计费,而国际货运有很多种方式,如散货拼箱海运, 整柜海运,国际空运,国际快递,那么各种运输方式用什么样的计费方式呢?
整柜运输,整柜20 尺 40 尺一般计算多少钱运一个集装箱,分别计算出口,运输,进口,派送费用等
散货拼箱海运,通常按 1 立方多少钱的运费,拼箱海运通常最低 1 立方启运,不足 1 立方按 1 立方计费,而超过 1 立方实际多少算多少,当然1 立方的货物也重量限制,不同国家重量限制不一样,250 -500 公斤都有,单件重量大小也涉及到目的国派送费用问题,如大件货物,超重货额外产生的人工费等。
拼箱海运也有按照重量计费的方式,比如海运小包裹通常按重量计费,按重量计费不等于就按实际重量计费,货物实际重量 1 公斤,而它的体积 0.3 立方,这样对物流公司明显不划算。这样一来就有一个货物抛重的计算方法,在收取费用就会按货物的实重和抛重取其大的方法来计费。(抛重计算方法是:货物的 (单位厘米)长 X 宽 X 高➗6000 =抛重)
国际快递的计费方式,也是按照货物实际重量和抛重来计费,抛重计算方法是:货物的 (单位厘米)长 X 宽 X 高➗5000 =抛重)
国际空运的计费方式,是按照货物实际重量和抛重来计费,抛重计算方法是:货物的 (单位厘米)长 X 宽 X 高➗6000 =抛重)