Cheapest door to door air freight and sea shipping cargo China Yiwu to Manila Philippine
If you gonna find a cheapest and reliable logistics in China to shipping your cargo carry our to-warding to Manila in Philippine, there is not full range of optional for you to pick up a company fit your logistics needs, but there is a one which that DJcargo global freight service company is do have experience of shipping cargo from China Guangzhou Shenzhen to Manila Philippine, with more than 6 years running expertise its can offer most customers’ need with reasonable freight cost. The price is cheaper but the service is in high leverage. Most commend from Customers show DJcargo’s freight cost is more cheaper than us others, and its safe and reliable.
DJcargo can offer customer freight service from Yiwu, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou sea shipping directly to Manila in Philippine with one stop service.
Its cost included China warehouse to Manila consignee door price, no any extra cost generate and no hidden cost as well.
We offer LCL consolidation shipping service per cubic meter, start at 1 cbm, each cbm goods can seized its weight maximum 500 kg base. No worry its exceeded, we normally charge cubic meter and volumetric weight whichever bigger.
We still offer pick up service anding minivan to collect goods from logistics center surrounding our warehouse.